40 Years Service at Disley...

In 1979 both Andrew Graham and Peter Broderick started working at the Disley paper mill and last Thursaday, David Harries presented them both with a gift and certificate for their 40 years service.

As David pointed out at the presentation a lot has happened in the 40 years since they both started in 1979, at the Disley mill, at Northwood and in the world. We have put some interesting facts about 1979 below:

In 1979 the McDonalds Happy Meal was invented (still here) but the Sony Walkman which was also released in 1979 has come and gone. The game ‘Guess Who’ was released in 1979, as was Honey Nut Cherrios and Hubba Bubba Chewing Gum all still popular in todays society.  ​During their time at Disley they have also seen the explosion of the internet since its invention in 1983, mobile phones, 3D printing and many more technologies which have had an impact on the mill, Northwood and the world.

We want to congratulate and thank both Andy and Pete for their continued support and service and lets see what the next 40 years brings!

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